07/23/2009 Pray for Wailan

Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:53 PM

Subject: Re: Mission ministry update

Dear Rev. Wang, Flora, and Pastor Don and brothers and sisters of CCC,

Just found out I have breast cancer, surgery is schedule for next Wednesday, possibly chemo and radiotherapy will follow. I am in Hong Kong and remain in HK until all necessary treatment is over.

At this time, I am really on vacation because I must stop all ministry both in Macau and HK side. From a teacher’s perspective, I am taking an exam from God, hopefully it’s final exam and when I pass I will have a good summer holiday (perhaps graduation and commencement banquet follow).

From a preacher’s perspective, I get to practise what I preach.

Treasure prayers and all glory goes to God.



Dear Wailan, our dear sister,

That’s shock for me to hear the bad news. But I still trust God He will heal
you and you will be recovered. Please keep it as your
biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig faith. God is good, Amen?!
We are in the church’s youth mission trip in Waterbury, Connecticut. We
teach VBS here and do something mission work with local church. That’s
wonderful trip. Tomorrow we will come back to Dallas. Praise Lord!

We will pray for you every day until your recovery. Please share your daily
or weekly update to us for convention to pray for you.

Prepare to go through the suffering, but keep your faith to move on.


In Him!

Paul Wang   

Flora, please put it in the bulletin and make a updating list in our
website:” 禱” . and then, send to all CCC members.
