教會歷史:第七堂課6/17/09; CCC


6/17/09; CCC

一、                    十七世紀加爾文派及清教徒的信條是什麼?http://www.docin.com/p-6311341.html

二、                    何為宗派及起源?何為異端?兩者間的聯繫與區別是什麼?(見講義)

三、                    談談關於「預定論」?http://hk.geocities.com/edkgood/calvin_on_predestination.htm

四、                    試談談宗派主義的概況。http://twch2.goodtv.tv/category_text.phtml?setid=77&order=5&filename=UB059

五、                    何為神秘主義?http://www.mb-soft.com/believe/tdc/mystic.htm

六、                    敬虔主義的概況。http://twch2.goodtv.tv/category_text.phtml?setid=77&order=6&filename=UB060

七、                    循道主義的概況。http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/衛理宗(見講義)

八、                    認識約翰衛斯理:http://www.christianstudy.com/data/theology/john_wesley01.html

九、                    試談唯理主義:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/理性主义

十、                    自然神論:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/自然神论

十一、            富蘭克林:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/本傑明·富蘭克林

十二、            認識康德:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/伊曼努尔·康德

十三、            浪漫主義之士萊馬克:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/克洛德·马克莱莱

十四、            盧梭:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/让-雅克·卢梭

十五、            法國大革命:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/法国大革命

十六、            大覺醒:大覺醒(http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/大覺醒運動)

十七、            福音派:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/福音派

十八、            教會歷史:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/基督教历史

十九、            無神論:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/无神论

二十、            慕迪:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/德怀特·莱曼·穆迪

二十一、    了解二戰:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/第二次世界大戰






  • 神聖羅馬帝國的興起時,社會階層只有上曾與下曾人;─上曾有皇帝,候國,教皇及貴族等人。─下曾是窮人。
  • 西方人認為上帝以教會與君王為治理世界的兩大膀臂。
  • 因此兩者互相爭權。
  • Pepin II “ The short” ,741-768 AD 得為教皇與 Lombads 征戰,756 AD 將所得的土地送給教皇,教皇成為屬世統治者,羅馬從此脫離東羅馬帝國的統治。P.15 binder.
  • 800 AD 教皇Leo III 加冕查理曼為皇帝,查理曼拒絕東方教會的圖像崇拜。
  • 962 AD Otto the Great 被稱為羅馬人的皇帝,神聖羅馬帝由日耳曼選候中選出並領有義大利王冠。
  • 1054 年,東、西教會正式分裂;東方希臘教會和西方拉丁教會。
  • 東方被回教勢力征服(敘利亞、巴勒斯坦、埃及、波斯、比非、西班牙。
  • 中世紀早期歐洲被稱作「黑暗時代」。來由於戰火不停,沒生產力,裁判所等等‧‧‧
  • 文藝復興是從「十字軍」開始後引進東方的古典希臘文化。阿爾卑斯山以南,興起了許許多多的銀行界,建築屋,學術等等‧‧‧




詩 103:8 耶和華有憐憫,有恩典,不輕易發怒,且有豐盛的慈愛。




還有剛才差點被警察叔叔開ticket !謝謝天父聽了我的呼求,讓警察手下留情,只給了我warning,叫我留意下次開車要開燈及車上的車保險不要弄丟了。



願這星期日浸禮的每一位;  Vivian的爸、媽,羅春及她兒子,Rose和 Cathrine



6/3/09 CCC Pastoral Meeting Minutes

Pastoral Meeting Minutes


Place: CCC

Present: Pastor Wang, Briant Chea, Flora Chen

  1. Prayer
  2. Meeting with Briant Chea
    1. Brother Briant will participate with Pastor Wang preparing the materials for the baptism class.
    2. Briant will participate the Labor Day joint retreat on 9/5-7.
    3. Sunday school teaching:
    4. i.                6/7: Briant will teach Sunday school using the book “7 check points”.
    5. ii.                After 6/7, Briant will teach the youth life based topics with one book in the bible.
      1. Friday night fellowship: Briant will let us know by this Friday the teaching contents.
      2. Compensation: BGCT will match dollar for dollar CCC total of $1200.  So BGCT will send CCC a check for $1200.  The total amount Briant will receive will be $2400.
      3. Visitation time to Briant’s family: 6/10 Next Wed. after 3 or 4pm on weekdays.
  1. Baptism class:
    1. Time: to be determined.
    2. Brother Briant will participate with Pastor Wang preparing the materials for the baptism class.
  1. 6/19 Friday night

Suggestion from Sister Cerina:

Since the VBS at CCC (6/15-6/19) got canceled, certainly the original plan for 6/19/09 as outreach children with their parents got vanished as well.  One alternative for your consideration, we could have a “Family Movie Night”.  Find a good Christian movie put the post and give away fries invite neighbors come (door to door invitations).  Church will provide free popcorn and icy water. Make it fun, such as ticket booth, make the tray for popcorn and drinks.  What do you think?


謝謝竹瑛姊妹服事主的心,我們相信這份感動是出於神,願神厚報。  然而,在我的禱告和領受當中,有一件事是更加迫在眉睫,就是領袖們的信心重建。

我建議舉辦一個教會領袖週末培靈營,比如說禮拜五晚上出發,禮拜六晚上回來。(6/19, 20 或6/26, 27) 由健健姊妹負責統籌營會的地點及安排。

Pastor Wang’s response:

I thank Sister Cerina’s serving heart.  We trust Cerina’s serving heart is from the Holy Spirit’s touch.  May our Lord bless her abundantly.  However, in my prayer and receiving, there is one thing which is more urgent.  That is to re-establish leaders’ faith.

I suggest to have a spiritual formation camp on the weekend.  We may leave on Friday night and come back on Sat. night. (6/19, 20 or 6/26, 27)  Sister Jian to be in charge of coordinating the location and details.

  1. BGCT summer internship Briant Chea Email: Cheaknight7@aol.com
    1. Compensation:

a)          CCC will pay Briant $400 per month for 3 months. (Total $1200) $300 from mission budget, $100 from youth dept. budget.

b)          E-mail received on 6/1/09 from Mark with BGCT:

Thank you so much.  I have been out of the office moving to Houston.  I see now where I miss communicated on the phone the other day.  I am so sorry for the confusion.  BGCT will match dollar for dollar CCC total of $1200.  So we will send you a check for $1200 which takes the total which Briant will receive to $2400.

Again I am sorry I confused things.

Blessing,   Mark Heavener   281-728-8585

  1. Waterbury short term mission
    1. Dress code: To avoid causing unnecessary temptation and distractions, please dress appropriately for short term mission.  That means wearing pants that are no higher than the knees and wearing pants that are waist level verses below the waist.  All shirts must overlap the waist and not be too tight fitting.  Exposed midriffs will not be allowed.  Tank tops are permitted, but no tube tops or spaghetti tops unless they are covered by a shirt.  If you are wearing something inappropriate, Pastor Wang will ask you to change into something more appropriate.
    2. Devotion:  Have bible story station co-workers to lead devotion.  Use the teacher devotional in the bible story material.
  2. Youth ministry
    1. Sunday worship speaker:
    2. i.                 5/31: Benjamin Van Lam (Sermon title:  Why do we respond to God’s calling?)
      6/7: Brother John Woell (Sermon title: How to build a family altar?)
    3. ii.                6/14: Brother Jeff Kirstein (Sermon title: How to be a follower?)
    4. iii.                6/21: John Woell (confirmed) (Sermon title: How to prepare your heart for God’s calling?)
    5. iv.                6/28 : Chris Reese ( confirmed)
    6. v.                7/5: Pastor Wang will preach at joint worship.
    7. vi.                7/12: to be determined
    8. vii.                7/19: to be determined
    9. viii.                7/26: Pastor Wang will preach.  Joint worship & joint mission testimony (3 min. per person)
    10. ix.                8/2: Pastor Wang will preach at joint worship.
    11. x.                8/9, 8/16, 8/23, 8/30: to be determined
      1. Friday night fellowship
      2. i.                6/5 – 7/24: worship for Sunday’s songs, mission training & teaching by Briant to youth who do not participate mission training (Jo Jo, Timothy).
      3. ii.                7/31 – 8/28: Worship, message from Braint
        1. Sunday school:
        2. i.                5/31 -7/19: Briant will lead the Sunday school for youth who do not participate mission training (Jo Jo, Timothy).  Briant will teach them life based topics.
        3. ii.                7/26 -8/30: Briant will teach all the youth.
          1. Joint worship: Alex will lead the praise on 6/7.  He will help Kirsten to train one youth in the music ministry.  Alex will teach youth who have interest to play guitar. Flora will e-mail to Alex regarding this.
  1. Pastor Wang will daft 3 invitation letters to遠志明弟兄, 劉同蘇牧師, 洪予健牧師representing DFW Chinese Baptist churches joint ministry chairperson to invite them to be the speakers for 2010 & 2011 joint retreat & joint outreach.
  2. Reminder:
    1. 6/8-6/14 Flora will be out of town.
    2. Joint retreat Cabin Rent $2500 and cleaning deposit of $400 (Total $2900) will be mailed to Sharon Baptist Church on 7/30/09.
    3. Joint Retreat Cabin Rent: $3498.00 will be mailed on 8/20/09 to First Southern Baptist Church.
    4. 5/9/2010 Sunday:  8 DFW Chinese Baptist Churches will have a joint outreach
    5. i.                Speaker:遠志明弟兄 707-585-9588(O) zhiming@chinasoul.org
      1. Year 2010 Labor Day Joint Retreat speaker: Rev. Liu, Tong Su劉同蘇牧師 650-964-1591 (W) 415-412-0737(cell) junlitongsu@live.com
      2. Year 2011 Labor Day Joint retreat speaker: Rev. Hong, Yu Jian洪予健牧師 hongyujian@hotmail.com 604-270-8353 (H)  778-238-8356 (cell)
  3. 請各位執事收到教牧同工會議記錄後,給一個回覆。在回覆中只需寫上一個「閱」字(“read” )。若有任何不同的意見,請隨時溝通。有紅色字的地方是務求回覆的,謝謝執事們過往在會議記錄上,用「閱」(read)字來表達對教牧同工會的支持與鼓勵。盼望神繼續賜給我們有美好的交通。Dear Deacons: Please give us your response after receiving pastoral meeting minutes. We appreciate your support and encouragement through reading the meeting minutes & response. May God continue to grant good communication among us.
  4. Close prayer