




謝謝您讓我晚餐準備了義大利通心麵、玉米、meat loaf給孩子們吃,他們都說好吃,要我以後多做美式食物。得到孩子們的鼓勵,讓我添加一點信心煮美式食物給他們吃,尤其家中常有美國同學來,也是給我操練廚藝的機會。







Cerina 11/17/08 Journal

11/17/08 Cerina’s Journal

詩篇 136:1  你們要稱謝耶和華,因他本為善;他的慈愛永遠長存。




詩篇136,每一段都是稱謝, 並都以 他的慈愛永遠長存為結語. 詩人把我帶入感恩的喜樂,終於趕走了心中的鬱氣.也不知道是何時把愁煩請進心門的? 是身體的不適? 這幾天氣溫一下降了許多,冷氣換了暖氣,稍不注意, 有點感冒?還是忙累過了頭?人又累又沒胃口,偏偏是一點閒暇都沒有,週末比週日還忙.


自從讀了那本 生命藍圖, 越發注意到您好像不斷藉著身邊的人,,, 要我學習放手交主權的功課. 最難的是不讓情緒掌控,總以為自己挺能控制情緒,是情緒的主人,但事實上卻還是情緒的奴隸.當我越不願意承認時, 越在感到掙扎的難受,理智告訴自己,我必須順服交給主,但心中深處微小的聲音卻在抗爭. 好不容易都放下了, 回想起來自己實在沒理由upset.


感恩節就在下星期了, 大女兒說今年得去Alex的祖父家過, 感恩節桌前可少了一個人,嘴裡說沒關係,媽可少做點菜,心裏卻有點酸,想來明年她結了婚,大概更非得去夫家,不會在家過感恩節了. 又是一個放手的功課, ,我真感到那 成長之痛. It must be the growing pain.


主啊,以為容易,卻發現還真難,求您耐心教我,直到我願意, 因你的慈愛永遠長存.








1.    試述基督徒信仰的內涵?


2.    基督徒信仰的特色是甚麼?


3.    「我信上帝」是甚麼意思?

答:「我信上帝」是宣告相信的對象是上帝。上帝成為我生命中唯一的權威與應許,相信上帝的帶領,對上帝同意、信靠、委身。是我信入(believe in)了祢。產生「我與祢」的關係。

4.    「我是基督徒」是甚麼意思?


5.    如何理解上帝的道?


6.    怎樣理解倚靠上帝?

答:倚靠上帝就是不倚靠自己,單單倚重上帝,抓住上帝的應許。所相信的不是自己,而是上帝。不是因為自己有什麼善行或能力,而是上帝的信實可靠。因為倚靠上帝,所以能超越自己的軟弱無能,進入上帝的豐盛;超越自身的限制、得到自由。(ppt 74-

7.    如何看待知識與理性?


8.    等候神的本質是什麼?因著對神的信靠與交託

9.    感恩的生命如何得到? 知恩







11/18/08 Pastoral Meeting Minutes

Pastoral Meeting Minutes


Place: Pastor Paul’s house

Present: Pastor Paul, Pauline, Flora


1.          Prayer

2.          Church seminary materials: Flora will go to Kinko to print the materials. (11 copies)

3.          2009 Mission budget: Sister Sandy send the draft budget to mission committee members and prepare ppt presentation for strategic meeting.

4.          Next year’s focus:  Next year’s theme: no longer the same”.

a.          3 areas:

                            i.                Prayer

                          ii.                Caring

                        iii.                Sharing

b.          Sunday school: focus on the above 3 areas.  Focus on 1 vision as BGCT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB4NQbIllg8 CCC’s Vision for 2010 is Expanding God’s Kingdom.

                            i.                Prayer: Prayers in OT & NT.

                          ii.                Caring: Model of caring in the bible. 

                        iii.                Sharing: The meaning of sharing in the bible & application.

c.           Friday night Fellowship: To follow the above structure to design the fellowship with more application and practical way such as praying, sharing & caring.

d.          Preaching: 12 times joint pastor Paul suggest for the pastors to break down the messages as follows:

                            i.                Prayer (2x each)

                          ii.                Caring (2x each)

                        iii.                Sharing (2x Each)

5.          2009 English ministry support needed from adults

Ø   Need Pastor Don to make a list of help needed from adult for 2009 English ministry.

n   Sunday school- Separating the Jr and Sr high has helped to aim the discussion at the different maturity levels. Also now that two adults (Brian & Don) are joining the Sr high Bible study is another reason to continue to separate the age groups. However, one thing to consider for the Junior high is the challenge of keeping the younger youth focused as discussed in the last board meeting. There are few options:

u  Option #1: Recruit 2 adults/parents for the Junior high class. 1 to teach and 1 to assist.

u  Option #2: Recruit 2 adults/parents for the Junior high class. Separate into two groups to make it more manageable.

**Both options have their strengths and weaknesses. Option #1 allows the teacher to focus on the lesson and the assist to redirect distracting behavior. Option #2: requires two adults willing to lead a youth study, but it allows for smaller more manageable size. Either way, the need for next year will be to recruit two adults/parents. I will be able to provide training and materials depending on their teaching skills.

n   Friday night fellowship- The actually Friday night fellowship is able to continue growing without additional support from adults. Friday night is a good time to give youth the opportunity to lead and serve.


n   Discipleship groups: When small groups are regular and focused they can be a strong part of moving youth in their practical spiritual life growth. It is my heartfelt prayer that God will strengthen this ministry and allow it to become a major part of increasing the youths spirit life disciplines (prayer (devotions & intercession prayer), caring for one another, and sharing the faith). Currently, Pastor Don is lead 1 guys group and 1 girls group.  From both adult and youth we have received requests to start another girls group. Here are three options:

u  Option#1: recruit a female parent to cowork in the newest girls group. I would meet with and provide materials and guidance for the adult leader.

u  Option#2: Try to start the next group on a week day, this would allow Pastor Don to lead an additional group.

u  Option#3: If there are no adults ready are able to volunteer and the girls are not able to move to a weekday or Saturday then recruit from outside the church a qualified coworker. This could be on a volunteer basis or possibly use the seminary fund from the mission’s budget to support a seminary student.

n   ESL- Thank God for the surprising expansion of the new ESL ministry. Currently eventhough the mix of the students language skills range from beginner to advanced the classes patience with another and willingness to asssit each other and the teacher in translation is very encouraging. Still, this is an area that I forsee a need for another ESL teacher to assist as the class continues to grow. Each week the class seems to add 1 or more students. We started with 2, then 3, then 4. And this Wednesday we may have upto 8. Please keep this new ministry upstart in prayer.

u  Next steps:

l   Announce the ESL class in the bulletin.

l   Pastor Don will publish the lesson plan on the church blog.

l   Recruit an additional ESL teacher to separate the class when it gets more than 8 into a beginner and intermediate English level.

n   It would seem good to find a bilingual teacher for the beginner class. This is because most beginner students will likely have little English conversational skills and require much translation to even understand the instructions.

n   The intermediate level ESL students would be more able to handle the class with an English speaking teacher as they already have a rudimentary English listening and conversation skills.

**Either way, this is a wonderful grace from God that we can support the church members and the community through ESL.

Pastor Paul’s response: Need Pastor Don to specify the information below:


Day & Time


Students’ names

Expectations for teachers

Teaching contents

Sunday school






Friday night fellowship






Discipleship groups













6.          DCCYC Camp: Pastor Don requested the church’s support for the camps reevaluation of its constitution relating to the role of women. The DCCYC board has already discussed to amend the DCCYC camp manual to allow female camp coordinator, to allow female camp board meeting facilitator, and to allow female senior high workshop teacher. The change was accepted. The other board members have already voted to accept the changes and are awaiting our church’s response. DCCYC hopes to address this issue during tomorrow’s meeting (11/19).

7.          Discipleship Groups:

a.          Currently two groups:

                            i.                Boys (Timothy, Kristian & James- Satoshi may join) Friday’s @ 6:30pm

                          ii.                Girls (Chie, Kirsten, Liz, & Lucinda) Sunday’s @12:45

                        iii.                Girls group #2: Linda and Catherine have requested another girls group on Friday. There are at least 2 other potential girls interested in joining. However, Pastor Don is already leading a guys group on Fridays. Please pray for God to raise up a female counselor willing to co-work with this group.

8.          Reminder:

l   11/18 Pastor Don jury duty

l   11/19 DCCYC Board Meeting

l   11/29 Pastor Paul will invite church leaders’ family, Mckinney fellowship, and some pastors to come to his house on 11/29th at 6:00pm to celebrate his birthday and also Mckinney fellowship’s 1 year anniversary.

l   12/5-7 Pastor Wang will go to San Francisco for mission conference.彼岸福音特會www.Chinasoul.org

l   12/14 Deacon board meeting & budget meeting.

l   12/19 Friday night Strategic meeting. Flora will e-mail to Mike & Sandy to present 2009 adult short term mission ppt.  Pastor Don will present youth short term mission ppt.


9.        各位執事收到教牧同工會議記錄後,給一個回覆。在回覆中只需寫上一個「閱」字(“read” )。若有任何不同的意見,請隨時溝通。有紅色字的地方是務求回覆的,謝謝執事們過往在會議記錄上,用「閱」(read)字來表達對教牧同工會的支持與鼓勵。盼望神繼續賜給我們有美好的交通。Dear Deacons: Please give us your response after receiving pastoral meeting minutes. We appreciate your support and encouragement through reading the meeting minutes & response. May God continue to grant good communication among us.

10.                       Close prayer






6:7 耶穌了十二個門徒來,差遣他們兩個兩個地出去,也給他們權柄,6:12 門徒就出去傳道……






朋友Lyn送給我高中生的靈修教材,拿到之後,心中一直在猶豫著,要怎麼把這上好的東西教自己的孩子。自己靈修不是問題,要帶孩子靈修,一想到就覺得不可能,因怕被孩子拒絕。早上看了一下今天的靈修教材,內容剛好也是前天主日講道的經文,6:7 耶穌叫了十二個門徒來,差遣他們兩個兩個地出去,也賜給他們權柄,6:12 門徒就出去傳道……這對孩子是一個鼓勵與應許,權柄您已賜給孩子,就只等著我放膽傳您的話語給我的兒女。





11/18/08 Flora_靈程札記:我的禱告


1:8 但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得著能力,並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地,和撒馬利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。

16:13 只等真理的聖靈來了,他要引導你們明白(原文是進入)一切的真理;因為他不是憑自己說的,乃是把他所聽見的都說出來,並要把將來的事告訴你們。







Pauline Sem 11/16/08

Pauline Sem 11/16/08


1.     試述基督徒信仰的內涵?

答: 神是透過普世及特殊啟示叫我們知道祂是神。

     我們所信的神是; 三一真神,父負責計劃,子負責救贖部份,聖靈負責           完成。    



2.     基督徒信仰的特色是甚麼?



3.     「我信上帝」是甚麼意思?

答: 是一個宣告;我與祂的個人關係得建立。


4.     「我是基督徒」是甚麼意思?




5.     如何理解上帝的道?




6.     怎樣理解依靠上帝?




7.     如何看待知識與理性?




8.     等候神的本質是什麼?

