11/21/08 Church Seminary Co-workers’ Meeting Minutes

Church Seminary Co-workers’ Meeting Minutes


Place: Pastor Paul’s house

Present: Pastor Paul, Pastor Don, Mengpei, Flora


1.       Tuition, material & book fees

Cerina’s sharing:

We all know this is God’s grace we could take the seminary class.  With the thanksgiving heart, we certainly would like to give everything back to Him in return.

Could we set up a flat “material fee” for each course ( such as $20-$50 per person), so seminary student could support their own expenses.  Even the amount might be small, the principal is we support our self we do not want to burden church.

 Or, for future classes, non-scholarship student would pay the tuition + material + book fees.  Just like regular school, it is reasonable to pay our own materials, since we keep books and materials for our own personal use not for church use.


Ø   依據神學院的規則,全勤學生不用付下門課的講義費。然而,從下門課開始,教會負擔全勤學生的講義費金額每人不超過$15.00.

Per seminary rule, perfect attendance students do not need to pay material fee for the next class. However, the max. amount church will pay for is $15.00 per course per person starting next class.

Ø   對於目前的〝神學精華〞課程講義費$21.84,若同學們有奉獻講義費的感動,教會神學院願意提供這樣的機會服事大家感動的心

Currently, Seminary students are welcome to pay the current class’ material fee of $21.84 as their offering to the seminary.

2.          〝自我認識與成長〞功課批改:

Ø   讀書報告請王仁美老師改,

Ø   第八課請正道神學院批改,

Ø   第一至第七課由王牧師批改。


3.          獎勵參與神學院同工

Ø   從〝神學精華〞開始,正道神學院给教會神學院同工胡夢蓓,高方中共兩個學分的獎學金$100 (胡夢蓓,高方中此門課程學費各少交$50)

Ø   從下年度起,每年進行神學院同工的改選、補選及調整。請有感動的弟兄姊妹與牧師分享,由同工會討論決定,並向神學院同學報告,及向正道神學院備案。

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